LDAP Auth: Allow multiple attributes in mapping

We are using Hub as an in-between Authentication Module for Space and our internal AD.

The problem we've encountered now is that our LDAP does not provide the Full Name in the expected "Firstname Lastname" format but instead in "Lastname, Firstname"

I've been trying to reconfigure our LDAP Auth module mapping so that it takes the 2 attributes "givenName" and "sn" separately but i've found no way to achieve this. Is this possible with the current version of Hub or do we have to update the Usernames manually as they are registered in the System?

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I'm Sergey from the Youtrack team. 

Thank you for the post. 

No, unfortunately, that's not possible. There's only a single field 'Full Name' which should be mapped with a corresponding LDAP attribute. If you can't map it with an LDAP attribute that will satisfy your needs, then you should ask the users or admins to adjust the name manually.

If any questions appear, please let me know. 

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