Timeout when trying to Map Groups in LDAP under "Group Mappings"
I'm trying to set up ldap authentication for TeamCity via the TeamCity Hub.
I have a domain called Example. I'm looking to pull in all the AD groups under this domain called Example via LDAP. Note that there are hundreds of AD groups linked to our LDAP server. So when I set up the LDAP auth module for this domain, and then go to group mappings and try to search for the mapping I would like, TeamCity HUB times out and crashes as it can't handle the load of AD groups it receives back from the LDAP server.
I'm wondering whether there's a way to filter out the groups so that I can get only a certain subset of these groups in AD?
My set up is as follows:
Type: LDAP
Name: Example
Server URL: ldaps://example/DC=example, DC=companyname, DC=com
Filter: &(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=&u)
So can I add any extra filters anywhere to filter the groups? I know that you can do this in the TeamCity ldap settings directly (but this doesn't work for us) as we have multiple domains.
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Hello Nick,
thank you for reaching out to our support!
Please submit a ticket via this link: https://hub-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=66692 and share the following:
1) The versions of your TeamCity, Hub, and Hub plugin.
2) The full logs of your Hub.
3) A screenshot of the auth module settings.
4) A HAR file recorded on an attempt to search for a group. Instructions for recording a HAR file can be found here, p.3: https://youtrack-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206546369
5) If possible, please record a short screencast illustrating your scenario and the issue so that we're all on the same page.