docker-compose for using team tools
Could you provide a docker-compose file for the team tools docker-images, using a nginx reverse proxy preferably (so other services can easily be added to the reverse proxy as well) .
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ehm, well, this is a part of what I ended up with .. but it should work .
Difference is that I use different domain names than those given in this file (see VIRTUAL_HOST=... settings) .
And I have ssl-certificates for those domain names in a directory called ssl, for the proxy to use .
Another thing may be that you need to start the proxy first and than the other services .
I am on a linux system, I don't know whether the volumes will work on windows .
Of course the domain names need to be resolvable, you could try this by putting us.dmz, tc.dmz et cetera in your /etc/hosts, pointing to your the ip address of the docker bridge network.
The part for the teamcity_agent seems to have some issues with indenting. If you don't have a custom Dockerfile for the agent(s), you could change the build-part to image: jetbrains/teamcity-agent (or miniminal-agent).
Hi WIll,
This is actually working for you? I am new to this and I don't know how to do it in order to work.
I face this problems:
- I am using this on windows so how do I access the hub, upsource or teamcity sites in browser? I should change the hosts file for redirecting hub.dmz to localhost for example?
- after setting up the hub how can I point the other apps to use it? http://hub.dmz:8001/hub doesn't seems to work.
Thanks for the answer. I will give it a try.
I know this is kinda old at this point, and I apologize for resurrecting, but I'm currenting looking for the same and wondering if you guys have an up-to-date version?
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Some guide to Setup a full Docker Stack with all the Team Tools working with each other would be really usefull.
Hello Felix, while we don't have one guide that would describe the whole setup procedure, we do have guides on how to install each of the team tools using docker containers:
Here you can find some insights on how to connect these tools to each other:
I hope this helps, let me know if there's something missing.