How do I delete users in Hub?
If you have accounts for users who no longer require access to the system, you can delete them from Hub.
Deleting Users
When you delete user accounts from Hub, you are asked to select a replacement user.
- The replacement user inherits the references that are set to the deleted user in connected services. For example, if the deleted user is set as the reporter for an issue in YouTrack, the Reported by value is set to the replacement user.
- The replacement user does not inherit the credentials of the deleted user accounts. The credentials of the deleted users are removed from Hub. Deleted users can no longer log in to Hub or any connected service.
To delete user accounts, you must have the following global permissions:
- Read User
- Delete User
To delete one or more users:
- In the Access Management section of the Administration menu, select .
- Select one or more users in the list. Use the filter to find users that match specific attributes.
- Click the trash button in the toolbar.
- The Delete Users dialog opens.
- The Delete Users dialog opens.
- In the Replacement User drop-down list, select a user account.
- Click the Delete Users button.
- The selected users are deleted from Hub.
- The deleted users can no longer log in to Hub or any connected service.
- The replacement user inherits all references that were set to the deleted users.
You can also delete a single user account from the user profile.
To delete a single user account:
- Open the user profile.
- Click the Delete user button.
- The Delete User dialog opens.
- In the Replacement User drop-down list, select a user account.
- Click the Delete User button.
- The selected user is deleted from Hub.
- The deleted user can no longer log in to Hub or any connected service.
- The replacement user inherits all references that were set to the deleted user.
For more details, please refere to this documentation page.
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Logged in as the admin user I cannot delete a user since there is neither the trash can icon in the overview nor the "Delete User" button in the user profile. Do you have any ideas why?
I checked that the admin has the required permissions.
Chartee Rodgawe